manage your monthly donations at AAi donor portal
AAi is working to build a world where all Jews, Christians, and Muslims co-exist peacefully, uniting to save lives and alleviate poverty together. Since 2008 AAi has united over 330,000 Jews, Christians, and Muslims to build lasting bridges of understanding and respect between our communities. Together, we collaborated in compassion and:
To donate via PayPal, click below
AAi is partnering with GofundMe and Facebook to put powerful fundraising tools in the hands of grassroots supporters who want to help build our alliance around the globe. Anyone can create a fundraiser for AAi with Facebook or GoFundMe, then easily share it with family and friends via social media. Setup your fundraiser today!
EMPLOYER MATCHING GIFTSSome companies match employee donations through Network for Good or Benevity. Check here to see if your employer will match your donation to AAi.
Double your Donation with your employer's Matching Gift Program in 3 easy steps:
Get rid of old electronics to support AAi. Ewaste4good will recycle your old TV, PC, fax machine, appliances, or nearly anything that plugs into a wall or uses batteries. To schedule a free pickup in participating areas of Northern California, call 1-800-317-3112 or complete a pickup request form online here as follows:
Email us at or call +1-408-728-8943
AAi is a registered non-profit 501(c)(3) charitable organization (tax ID 26-4704170).
All donations are tax-deductible in the US.
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