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Our souls grieve after tragic news of shootings at New Zealand mosques Masjid Al Noor and Linwood Islamic Center. We mourn for the victims and weep with families of the faithful whose worship was ended by heinous violence. As stated in the Holy Qur’an, we will not speak of those slain in the way of God that they are dead. Nay, they are living, but we perceive it not (Surat al-Baqarah 2:154). As leaders around the world issue statements condemning both these barbarous acts and media that breeds a climate of fear mongering and Islamophobia, Abrahamic Alliance International is being flooded with condolence letters from Jewish and Christian communities who have delighted to build new friendships with Muslims while collaborating in compassion. Today’s violence reminds us of the urgency of our work to confront prejudice and counter the hate that has infected many hearts and minds with fatal consequences. AAi calls on all far and wide to show our solidarity with Muslim communities on Friday, March 22 during jumu'ah prayers. Whether you go alone to hold a placard of support, or join others to encircle mosques locking hands in a ring of protection, AAi calls on all to show their solidarity with Muslims at your nearest mosque on Friday, March 22.


Social media resources

Print placards for #SolidarityStandWithMuslims

Check out mosques below where you can stand with Muslim neighbors alongside AAi congregations and leaders. Be sure to note the time when you should arrive (these differ widely). You will not be alone!
Islamic Society of Monterey County
405 Elm Ave
Seaside, CA 93955
TIME: 12:45 PM
COMMUNITY LEADER: Rabbi Bruce Greenbaum (Congregation Beth Israel)
South Valley Islamic Center
14770 Columbet Ave.
San Martin CA 95046
TIME: 1:10 PM
COMMUNITY LEADER : Rev. Larry Albright (Lincoln Glen Church)
MVPA Musalla
849 Independence Ave., Suite C
Mountain View CA 94043
TIME: 1:15 PM
COMMUNITY LEADER: Rabbi Sheldon Lewis (Congregation Kol Emeth)
Muslim Community Association (MCA)
3003 Scott Blvd
Santa Clara, CA 95054
TIME: 12:00 PM
BVMCC (Blossom Valley Muslim Community Center)
5885 Santa Teresa Blvd
San Jose 95123
TIME: 1:15 PM
COMMUNITY LEADER: The Rev. Shelley Denny (Episcopal Church of Almaden)
Evergreen Islamic Center
2486 Ruby Ave.
San Jose, CA 95148
TIME: 1:15 PM
COMMUNITY LEADER: Eva Lippman (Congregation Sinai / JCRC)
South Bay Islamic Association
2345 Harris Way
San Jose, CA 95131
TIME: 1:10 PM
West Valley Muslim Association (WVMA)
19848 Prospect Rd.
Saratoga CA 95070
TIME: 1:00 PM
COMMUNITY LEADER: Rabbi Jaymee Alpert (Congregation Beth David)
Pacifica Institute / BayCC
1257 Tasman Dr STE B
Sunnyvale, CA 94089
TIME: 1:15
COMMUNITY LEADER: Rev Bernard Bell (Peninsula Bible Church Cupertino)
Placards will be present for you to hold, even some colorful placards for kids!


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