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Doctors aim to cross lines among faiths

HOUSTON, Texas — n a collaboration that's being called the first of its kind in the country, Muslim and Jewish doctors joined forces Sunday to provide free medical screenings to low-income and uninsured Houstonians at a community health fair. The health fair was part of the international "Weekend of Twinning," meant to strengthen ties between the two faith groups by co-hosting programs. The New York-based nonprofit Foundation for Ethnic Understanding 

German Muslims, Jews speak out against racism, discrimination

BERLIN — Late on Friday members of Berlin's Jewish and Muslim communities came together in front of Berlin's Mevlana Mosque in Kreuzberg, sometimes referred to as “Little Istanbul.” The groups gathered together to replace two “stumbling stones” commemorating Moritz and Julia Katz, whose family endured terrific hardship when 

Peace in Middle East will come only with help from all of God's people, says Yehezkel Landau

PULASKI, Tennessee - There will be peace in Israel and Palestine, Professor Yehezkel Landau - a founder of a joint Jewish-Palestinian-Christian peace initiative in Israel - told a small group of Middle Tennessee religious leaders during the first evening of a three-day conference, Our Muslim Neighbor Initiative. But religious leaders must be part of building that peace. Landau spoke Thursday, Nov. 6, 2014, at Martin Methodist College in Pulaski, Tenn., which is hosting the conference of the Nashville-based Faith and Culture Center. The conference is part of a nationwide Our Muslim Neighbor Initiative of the Religions for Peace USA. "I'm very, very pessimistic, in the short term, but very, very optimistic in the long term for justice and peace in God's holy land," Landau said. "And part of my hope comes because of networks for peace in Israel-Palestine. The political 

Mitzvah Day set to reignite links with Muslims

LONDON — Mitzvah Day projects will help rebuild UK Jewish-Muslim relations in the aftermath of the Gaza conflict, its founder and chair Laura Marks believes. Looking ahead to this year's day of good deeds on November 16, Ms Marks stressed the importance of interfaith activities, noting that past projects had sparked long-term 

Merrimack awards interfaith prize to Jordanian scholar

NORTH ANDOVER, Mass. — Merrimack College will present its biennial Goldziher Prize for Jewish-Muslim dialogue to Yousef Waleed Meri, a visiting professor in the Department of Studies of Islam in the Contemporary World at the University of Jordan. The prize will be presented at 6 p.m. Wednesday at Merrimack’s Rogers Center for the Arts. Meri has taught at the Institute of Isma’ili Studies in London, and was a research fellow at St. Edmund’s College at the University of Cambridge, where he organized academic conferences for the Woolf Institute on questions of Jewish and Muslim identities and interactions. He was a Fellow and Special Scholar in Residence 

Charity bridges all faiths for Jewish and Muslim Mitzvah Day


LONDON — A food drive organised by a synagogue and a mosque is a “prime example” of how Mitzvah Day can build bridges, according to its organisers. For this year’s day of good deeds, supported by the Times & Independent Series, Edgware District and Reform Synagogue has teamed up with the Husaini Islamic Centre, in Wood Lane, Stanmore. Members of the synagogue’s 20s to 30s group will join young people 

New choral music based on psalms to premiere in New York synagogue, church

NEW YORK — New choral works by two prominent contemporary American composers, commissioned by nonprofit Soli Deo Gloria, Inc. (SDG), will receive their world premieres November in New York through a collaboration between the city’s Temple Emanu-El and the Cathedral Church of St. John the Divine. The classical sacred music foundation SDG has conceived and organized a pair of interfaith performances in which Paul Moravec’s I Will Fear No Evil (Psalm 23) for a cappella chorus and Victoria Bond’s How Lovely Is Your 

Muslims, Christians pray for peace in Nigeria

YOLA, Nigeria — Thousands of Muslim and Christian faithful on Sunday converged on Yola, Adamawa capital, to offer special prayers for lasting peace and an end to insurgency in the country. A Muslim cleric, Abubakar Hussaini, who led the prayer session, urged Muslims to remain calm and be prayerful. “You should not be intimidated and do not allow anyone to force you to flee your homes. “We must be united and have the firm belief that with God on our side we have nothing to fear,’’ he said. In a sermon, Adam Usman, cautioned against rumour 

Group brings Jewish, Christian, Muslim leaders together

NEWNAN, Ga. — The Higher Ground Group, comprised of a dynamic assembly of four long-time Atlanta faith leaders who share common experiences and lead positive change, will travel to Newnan on Nov. 6 to spark new ideas and offer fresh perspectives on issues facing the metro area, nation and world. The group is composed of Joanna Adams, Plemon El-Amin, Joe Roberts and Alvin Sugarman. Adams is pastor emerita of First Presbyterian Church of Atlanta and of Morningside and

'Prayer for Ottawa' service held after deadly week in capital

Tears roll down the cheeks of Imam Mohamed Jebara of the Cordova Spiritual Education Centre during an interfaith service, 'A Prayer for Ottawa' at Christ Church Cathedral Ottawa on Sunday, October 26, 2014.

OTTAWA, Canada — A booming organ thundered through Christ Church Cathedral in downtown Ottawa on Sunday as those at an interfaith memorial service sang a heartfelt O Canada following the past week’s deadly shooting attack in the heart of the capital. Leaders of Jewish, Muslim and Christian faiths all spoke at the service, dubbed A Prayer for Ottawa. Observers of all ages, some in military uniforms, filled the pews. Rabbi Barry Schlesinger said Jewish scripture denounces the killing of one person as a mortal wound to society as a whole. Imam


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