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Christian group condemns violence against Muslims in Sri Lanka

COLOMBO, Sri Lanka — The National Christian Evangelical Alliance of Sri Lanka (NCEASL) strongly condemns the blatant attack on members of the Muslim minority, in Aluthgama and Beruwela on the 15th of June 2014 that reportedly left Muslim-owned shops in the area torched, mosques damaged, 80 people injured with at least 7 people admitted to the hospital with gunshot wounds and 3 dead. It is with 

At kidnapping site, Jews and Muslims join in prayer

JERUSALEM — Jews and Muslims conducted a joint prayer session for the safe return of three Israeli teenagers abducted five days ago near the site of their kidnapping south of Jerusalem Tuesday. About two dozen Jewish residents of the Etzion bloc and rabbis arrived at the junction where officials believe the kidnappers drove after abducting the three yeshiva students. The prayer session was 

To combat world poverty, a multifaith approach

LEWISTON, N.Y. — Pope Francis conveys the message that poverty, one of the most critical and vexing issues challenging the human family, will only be solved by leaders who bring others together to pray, study, serve and work. The pontiff made this very clear when, on his recent visit to the Holy Land, he invited two friends to join him in prayer, Rabbi Abraham Stork and Sheik Omar Abbudd, both widely respected leaders among their respective faith 

One Muslim, one Anglican, one goal: peace

CAIRO — The former Grand Mufti of Egypt, Dr Ali Gomaa, and the Anglican Bishop of Egypt, Dr Mouneer Hanna Anis, were invited to give the keynote addresses at the inauguration of the Studies of Inter-Religious Relations in Plural Societies Programme (SRP) at the Nanyang Technological University, S. Rajaratnam School of International Studies in Singapore from 5-11 June 2014. During their visit to Singapore, they shared their Egyptian experience in “working

Catholic archbishop aids Muslim refugees in Central African Republic

BANGUI, Central African Republic — A Catholic archbishop in the violence-ridden Central African Republic recently reached out to a group of 600 Muslim refugees, saying that the love of Christ must drive the faithful to action. “The flight of Muslims from central Africa is a grave problem. If we do not want them to associate Christians with those who have caused them harm, they need to be helped by Christians,” Archbishop Dieudonne Nzapalainga of Bangui said. “We

Catholic Archdiocese hosts farewell dinner for senior rabbi

SYDNEY — The Catholic Archdiocese of Sydney has hosted a Farewell Dinner for the Senior Rabbi of The Great Synagogue, Rabbi Jeremy Lawrence and his wife Mandy. After nearly a decade in Sydney Rabbi Lawrence is relocating to London, where he will become the spiritual leader of the Kinloss congregation in Finchley. The dinner was held at Cathedral House with the Apostolic 

Aid for flood victims benefits Muslims, Christians alike

KUALA LUMPUR, Malaysia — Malaysian donations to help Bosnia and Herzegovina in the wake of the country's worst flood disaster, will go help both the Muslim and Christian victims. In thanking the Malaysian public for donations to help his country, the Ambassador of Bosnia and Herzegovina to Malaysia, Tarik Bukvic said the Bosnian population comprised about 55% Muslims and 45% Christians. Clarifying misconceptions about the racial and religious 

Young Muslims in Poland: Renewal of a centuries-old legacy

PARIS — As tackling Islamophobia seems to be the decade’s challenge for Western European Muslims, Poland, in spite of its low rate of Muslims, offers a completely different approach. Contrasted with Western Europe, where bashing or restraining minority rights is part of a well-developed electoral strategy for both right and left wing parties, Poland is taking a more constructive path. Contrasted with Western Europe, where bashing or restraining minority rights is part

Palestinian professor: no regrets over taking students to Auschwitz

DOHA, Qatar — Mohammed Dajani knew he was on sensitive ground when he took a group of students to visit the site of the Auschwitz concentration camp in Poland in March. But it took the furore that followed to make the Palestinian academic realise that he had entered a political and psychological minefield. Dajani resigned from his post at Jerusalem's Al-Quds University this week after failing to win the unequivocal support of his employers in a row which 

Jewish and Muslim teens practice 'Sport for Peace'

LOS ANGELES — An open mind, spirit, bare feet and some optimism were the essentials needed May 4 when a group of Muslim and Jewish teens — including several Shalhevet students — joined together for a conflict-resolution workshop at the Traditional Karate Studio on Pico Boulevard. Mrs. Ruth Rokah, mother of junior Adam Rokah, planned the event with Soolmaz Abooali, a frequent karate opponent of hers who has become a friend. Ms. Abooali is a graduate student in the School for Conflict Analysis and Resolution at George


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