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CAIR launches D.C. bus ad campaign promoting interfaith unity

WASHINGTON — The Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR), the nation's largest Muslim civil rights and advocacy organization, today announced the launch of a campaign promoting interfaith unity to counter anti-Islam ads placed on Washington, D.C.,

Do you believe in ‘MAJIC’?

LOS ANGELES — Milken Community Schools junior Avi Sholkoff did not know Muslims fast during Ramadan, and he had never been inside of a mosque. That all changed when he participated in Muslim and Jews Inspiring Change (MAJIC), a program of the Los Angeles-based nonprofit NewGround: A Muslim Jewish Partnership for Change. Established two years ago, MAJIC brings together Jewish and Muslim teens to work on social action, participate in biblical 

Uncovering the silence: A Jewish-German healing exchange

WASHINGTON — My parents were Polish-Jewish Holocaust survivors who fled World War II and ended up in Mexico, where my sister and I were born. They lost most of their families. My mother had only a brother, an uncle and a cousin who survived, while my father only a sister and two cousins. They didn’t speak much about their past experiences. Silence was a constant presence. Carl Jung wrote, “Nothing influences children more than the silent facts in the background.” This was the setting that marked my life. My family

Jews, Christians and Muslims speak up in Sudanese religious freedom case

WASHINGTON — Last Thursday, Rabbi David Saperstein joined a delegation of religious leaders in meeting with Sudan’s Ambassador to the U.S., Maowia Khalid. This meeting comes on the heels of a Sudanese court’s sentencing of Meriam Ibrahim to death for allegedly converting to Christianity (Ms. Ibrahim insists she had always been raised a Christian). Dr. Mohamed Elsanousi, Director of External Relations of Finn Church Aid, organized the meeting. In response to the sentencing of Meriam Ibrahim to be flogged and hanged, Rabbi David Saperstein, Director of the Religious Action Center, issued the following statement: “For so many in the U.S. religious community, the arrest and conviction of Meriam Ibrahim has been a source of grave concern. In an open and candid meeting, Ambassador Maowia Khalid met for an hour with a group of religious leaders long committed to religious freedom and human rights. We expressed 

Baptist Joint Committee urges Supreme Court to side with Muslim inmate in religious freedom dispute

WASHINGTON — The Baptist Joint Committee has joined the American Jewish Committee and other religious liberty advocates in filing a brief with the U.S. Supreme Court in the case of Holt v. Hobbs. The case involves a Muslim inmate denied by the Arkansas Department of Corrections (ADC) the right to wear a beard – even just a half-inch in length – as prescribed by his religious beliefs. Citing the state’s lack of adequate justification for this denial as required by law,

Welcome to Berlin's House of One – a church, synagogue and mosque

BERLIN — It has been dubbed the "Wonder of Berlin". And if a Protestant pastor, a rabbi and an imam can realise their shared dream, the world's first house of prayer for three religions will open its doors in the German capital in four years' time, with the building costs being paid for by donations. The unique project is called the "House of One", and its aim is to provide a place of worship and contemplation for adherents of the world's three main monotheistic faiths, although the building will also be open to all. It will house a church, a synagogue and a mosque

Stakeholders call for more interfaith dialogues to aid Mindanao peace process

COTABATO CITY, Philippines – Differing religious views should not hinder the peace process in Mindanao, religious leaders and other stakeholders, said here Friday. However, they also agreed that there was a need for more interfaith dialogues so that religions can help achieve the spirit of peace in Mindanao – where people are so diverse. “Today’s peace process hopes to meet the challenges of building a new society of living together, respect for human rights, and tribal participation in the new envisioned political era for 

Israeli and Palestinian presidents join Francis in Vatican gardens in unprecedented prayer initiative for peace

ROME — Pope Francis has called on the Israeli and Palestinian leaders to “break the spiral of hatred and violence”, during a historic meeting of the two Middle Eastern presidents at the Vatican. Shimon Peres, the Israeli president, and his Palestinian counterpart, Mahmoud Abbas, joined Francis in praying in the Vatican gardens before planting an olive tree there. A similar prayer initiative took place in Westminster on Friday, when Cardinal Vincent Nichols prayed with the Israeli and Palestinian envoys to Britain. The Pope had unexpectedly invited the Israeli and Palestinian leaders to "visit his home" during his visit to the Holy Land last month. Francis told

'From Enemy to Friend', book review

JERUSALEM — I recently had the privilege and pleasure of reading a wonderful new book entitled From Enemy to Friend, probably the first of its kind to appear in many years, about Jewish Wisdom and the Pursuit of Peace, which is actually the subtitle of the book. Interestingly , the book is published by a Catholic press, Orbis Books, April 2014, and not a Jewish publisher. Perhaps this is just another indication of Jewish-Catholic cooperation in contemporary era. The author, Rabbi Amy Eilberg, is the first Conservative woman rabbi, and a peace-builder, who currently lives in St. Paul, Minnesota. A former hospital chaplain and spiritual trainer, Rabbi Eilberg has been deeply involved in peace-building work in her home town, and in other places, for the past several years, so much so threliat it has now become the major preoccupation of her life. For Rabbi Eilberg, this is not a job; it has become a way of life in the fullest sense of the term. Rabbi Eilberg defines the process of moving from enemy to friend as "the movement from the heart and mind closed in fear and 

Conference aims to foster dialogue among Christians, Muslims in Mindanao

MANILA, Philippines – An international interfaith organization is set to hold a peace conference in Mindanao where delegates from all over the world will come together and hold dialogues with local religious and political stakeholders. European Union (EU) Ambassador Guy Ledoux said that the conference, which is co-sponsored by the EU, aims to promote “understanding, respect, and appreciation,” among 


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