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Grand Sheikh condemns suicide bombings

Sheikh Muhammad Sayyed TantawiCAIRO — The Grand Sheikh of the al-Azhar mosque, Sheikh Muhammad Sayyed Tantawi, has condemned the suicide bombings against Israeli civilians. Speaking at a press conference in Cairo on Monday, the sheikh, who is acknowledged as the highest spiritual authority for nearly a billion Sunni Muslims, said Islam condemned terrorism in all its forms. In a wood-panelled room in Cairo's medieval Islamic district, the sheikh said that Islam considers anyone who kills an innocent person as killing the whole of humanity. He says that in the

Kosovar refugees get taste of shalom, community

PALO ALTO, CALIF. — The yarmulke on his head and the smile on his face Sunday afternoon symbolized how far Xhafer Voca had come in the past four months. At a reception for about 65 local Kosovar refugees and their families at Congregation Kol Emeth in Palo Alto, Voca got to eat a bagel with cream cheese, see the Torah removed from the ark and hear Rabbi Sheldon Lewis blow the shofar -- all new sensations for the 48-year-old Muslim. But the two hours of spirited dancing, singing and cross-cultural exchange between the ethnic


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