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SAN JOSE — Side by side and shoulder to shoulder, Christian, Muslim and Jewish participants in San Jose-based Abrahamic Alliance International are called together for two main causes--serving the poor and hungry and taking time to learn about one another. Rod Cardoza, founder of Abrahamic Alliance, said that "people come as strangers" to the interfaith fellowship events sponsored by the the alliance but leave as neighbors. A unique feature of the group are the seminars that are mandatory before joining in the community service events. These educational "Loving Neighbors" seminars are held at houses of worship throughout the Bay Area. Lincoln Glen Church in Willow Glen is among the churches that have participated thus far. There are plans for seminars and events to be held in other countries such as Canada and Nairobi. "We need education at the grassroots level," said Cardoza, a practicing Christian. "We are looking for brave churches, brave synagogues, brave mosques. We attract people of peace who are willing to give." Abrahamic Alliance International was born in 2008 from a need to create relationships across the faiths, Cardoza said, and is based on ideas found in each ...      Read more

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