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KAUSWAGAN, Philippines — As Muslims ended their month-long fast, their Christian neighbors and friends brought fresh fruits and other gifts and joined the celebration of Eid ul Fitr in this municipality, known as the place where the “all-out war” in 2000 started. In several homes in other Lanao del Norte towns – in Bacolod, Salvador and Maigo – small homes of Muslim families became scenes of joy as their Christian neighbors freely mingled with them, enjoying the religious bliss of the Ramadan. “This is an old tradition that we wanted to revive because this can foster unity and understanding among us,” said Musa Sanguila, executive director of the Pakigdait ug Pag-amoma Alang sa Kalinaw (Pakigdait, Inc.), a non-government organization advocating peace. Sanguila’s home in Kauswagan town was a beehive of activity as Muslims and Christians renew friendships over meals of turkey, beef and seafood cooked in tasty Maranao cuisine under the shades of an old mango tree. Sanguila said this tradition was very common after World War II when the Maranaos and Christians joined hands to fight the Japanese aggression. “They were very close during the war years and after the war the two people ...      Read more

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