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HOUSTON, Texas — n a collaboration that's being called the first of its kind in the country, Muslim and Jewish doctors joined forces Sunday to provide free medical screenings to low-income and uninsured Houstonians at a community health fair. The health fair was part of the international "Weekend of Twinning," meant to strengthen ties between the two faith groups by co-hosting programs. The New York-based nonprofit Foundation for Ethnic Understanding hopes the fair can serve as a national model. "We share a common moral imperative to heal the sick," said Walter Ruby, the director for the foundation's Muslim-Jewish program. "With all the bad news out there, it's inspiring seeing Jewish and Muslim doctors serve the community in which we live side by side." Sunday's efforts were led by Dr. Aijaz Ali Khowaja, CEO of the Ibn Sina Foundation that operates five clinics in the Houston area, and Dr. Harvey Rosenstock, a Jewish psychiatrist who works with the Bellaire synagogue he attends, Congregation Brith Shalom, to engage Jewish physicians to volunteer with Ibn Sina. Ibn Sina was founded in 2001 and now provides low-cost health care to more than 80,000 Houston ...      Read more

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