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JERUSALEM — This week, Choose Life, a West Bank initiative of Arab and Israeli non-violent activists, including Ali Abu Awwad and Eliaz Cohen, organized a day of “fasting and making a personal accounting.” The event was publicized through social media - on Facebook and Twitter - attracting an international following of Muslims, Jews and Christians. The day fast was this past Tuesday, July 15, the 17th of Tamuz in the Hebrew calendar and the 18th day of Ramadan in the Muslim calendar, both communal fast days. This served to link Arabs and Jews spiritually; providing a basis for mutual understanding and dialogue at this very difficult time. As noted by Jessica Steinberg in the Times of Israel, the event began with the afternoon prayer service at the Gush Etzion intersection, where the three Israeli teenagers were abducted, and concluded with the break fast meal on Ali Abu Awwad’s farm nearby ...      Read more

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