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NEWNAN, Ga. — The Higher Ground Group, comprised of a dynamic assembly of four long-time Atlanta faith leaders who share common experiences and lead positive change, will travel to Newnan on Nov. 6 to spark new ideas and offer fresh perspectives on issues facing the metro area, nation and world. The group is composed of Joanna Adams, Plemon El-Amin, Joe Roberts and Alvin Sugarman. Adams is pastor emerita of First Presbyterian Church of Atlanta and of Morningside and Trinity Presbyterian churches. El-Amin is imam emeritus of the Atlanta Masjid of Al-Islam, and Roberts, pastor emeritus of Ebenezer Baptist Church. Sugarman is senior rabbi emeritus of The Temple. Through a weekly blog, an active social media campaign and interactive special event panels where the colleagues hold conversations those attending, the foursome is working to inspire positive change. They discuss relevant conversational topics such as social justice, racial equality, homelessness and discrimination, while also leading the way for the next generation to make their communities a better place through civic and social actions. ...      Read more

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