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LOD, Israel — A unique gathering consiting of both chief rabbis, the head of the Shari’a court based in Jaffa and a number of Knesset members took place on Wednesday in Lod to call for tolerance and respectful celebrations of this weekend’s concurring observance of Yom Kippur and Eid al-Adha. Yom Kippur coincides with the Muslim festival of Id al-Adha this year, with both falling on October 4, leading to concerns of intercommunal conflict. Amnon Be’eri-Sulitzeanu, coexecutive director of the Abraham Fund Initiatives, told The Jerusalem Post that “the intention of organizing the event was to raise awareness among Israelis that both holidays are very important.” “The vast majority of Israelis are not aware that both holidays will occur on the same day and this unawareness is a great danger,” he said, since Jews could mistakenly think that Muslims would be celebrating on Yom Kippur for the sake of disruption when in fact they have their own important holiday tradition. The second purpose of holding the event was to get top leaders from both the Jewish and Arab communities to encourage their respective followers to demonstrate restraint and behave responsibly while avoiding incitement ...      Read more

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