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ISTANBUL — A Muslim community in Ukraine's city of Dnepropetrovsk is due to have a mosque confiscated from them during the Soviet era returned to them, the city's Jewish governor Igor Kolomoisky vowed. Governor Kolomoisky made the promise last week in the building at the center of the issue, which has been serving as the Olympic Reserve Sports School since being converted in 1926, the Times of Israel reported. “Igor Kolomoisky, governor of the region, is going as soon as possible to return the mosque to the Muslim community,” Deputy Governor Boris Filatov said last week. The 80,000-strong mainly ethnic Tatar Muslim community of the city has been lobbying the authorities to release the building to them since the year 2000, complaining that they currently only have one main place of worship based in a private residence in the outskirts of the city, which only has a capacity of 250 people. As of 2012 an estimated 500,000 Muslims lived in Ukraine and about 300,000 of them were Crimean Tatars, with the rest  ...      Read more

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