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LONDON — The tradition of breaking fast among friends, neighbors and the needy has been part of the Islamic tradition for centuries. Here in the UK, the desire to share the spirit of Ramadan has given rise to a growing popularity of flashmob Iftars and public Iftars at places of worship, community centers and even parks. This year is no different. 'The Big Iftar', a community-led scheme, supports and promotes communities, regardless of their background to break bread together. What started as a small scale initiative last year, has generated a growing interest with more than 100 public Iftars, linked to the project, already being planned across the country. The initiative has even received a mention in the British Prime Minister's YouTube Ramadan message at the start of the holy month. This year ‘The Big Iftar’ is not only encouraging interfaith Iftars at synagogues and churches but also creative Iftars by supporting the project Dine@Mine, inspired by the hit British television series 'Come Dine With Me' ...      Read more

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