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MAKENI, Sierra Leone — Sierra Leone’s vaunted religious tolerance was on display in Makeni when Muslims and Christian worshipers came together at the Wusum Field to pray to God for mercy and for an end to the Ebola crisis in the country. What was originally envisaged as prayers for local Muslims came to include Christians as well after an invitation was extended to the Inter-Religious Council. Muslims and Christians converged to pray for God’s forgiveness for the nation, and for the Ebola virus that has killed citizens and non-citizens alike to be taken away. In his sermon after the prayers, the Regional Chief Imam of the North Alhaji Sheik Bundu Kamara thanked Allah for making it possible for them to witness the prayers, pointing out that many of their relatives and friends who had been around days ago were nowhere to be seen. He said as human beings we should be grateful at all times for the mercy of God to allow us to see yet another day. The Imam recalled that there was a time told of in the Holy Quran when Allah frowned at His people for their actions and activities towards God Almighty which, according to him, were sinful in the sight of Allah. He called on all believers, irrespective of their ...      Read more

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