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Tears roll down the cheeks of Imam Mohamed Jebara of the Cordova Spiritual Education Centre during an interfaith service, 'A Prayer for Ottawa' at Christ Church Cathedral Ottawa on Sunday, October 26, 2014.

OTTAWA, Canada — A booming organ thundered through Christ Church Cathedral in downtown Ottawa on Sunday as those at an interfaith memorial service sang a heartfelt O Canada following the past week’s deadly shooting attack in the heart of the capital. Leaders of Jewish, Muslim and Christian faiths all spoke at the service, dubbed A Prayer for Ottawa. Observers of all ages, some in military uniforms, filled the pews. Rabbi Barry Schlesinger said Jewish scripture denounces the killing of one person as a mortal wound to society as a whole. Imam Samy Metwally made a similar condemnation of violence. All urged optimism and resolve in the face of senseless bloodshed. “We are strong in faith, strong in hope, and strong in love,” Dean Shane Parker told the crowd of about 200 as the service began. Earlier, he said it was important to gather after such arduous events, “especially when religion is factored in.” On Sunday evening, RCMP released a statement saying police had “persuasive evidence” that Michael Zehaf-Bibeau had acted on “ideological and political motives.” Mayor Jim Watson also addressed the gathering, saying it was wonderful to see people of different faiths united. He thanked Cpl. Nathan Cirillo, saying the young ...      Read more

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