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KAFR QARA, Israel — In the midst of the fast of the month of Ramadan, we, the Arab citizens in the State of Israel, are going through quite difficult days. These times are presenting us with dilemmas which, like the rest of the state's citizens, we do not wish to face. We are facing the Jewish mob which is furious over the murder of the kidnapped teens, while the extremists demand "revenge now" and call for the killing of Arab citizens. The seeds of hatred are starting to create a dangerous storm, with the tam-tam drums providing the rhythm from far away in the background. The Arab communities have suddenly emptied out of Jewish buyers and visitors, and the details of the painful tragedies are broadcast on the radio over and over. The communities are withdrawing into themselves, filled with anger. Where do we go following the despicable murder of the three teens and the murder of the youth from east Jerusalem, which was likely the byproduct of the heated atmosphere and the presence of blood avengers? The Arab citizen in the State of Israel feels a lot of insecurity these days. There is no doubt that this feeling will accompany him especially when he visits the Jewish communities, and I assume those same feelings accompany the Jewish citizen in the Arab communities. I will not be exaggerating if I say that many of the Arab citizens in Israel ...      Read more

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